Every now and then, I need a small amount of lemon curd for a recipe – and I don’t want to make a big huge batch. In those instances, I will use this recipe (below) for a very quick cooking microwaved lemon curd, instead of using my more time consuming big batch lemon curd recipe. The [...]
Fuyu Persimmon Jam (Kaki Jam)
Now that it’s winter time, Japanese Fuyu Persimmons (a.k.a. “Fuyu Kaki“) are in season! (Fuyu persimmons are the non-astringent [sweet] short/flattened ones that you eat when semi-firm… not the astringent acorn/sphere shaped ones that can only be eaten when soft and squishy.) I found three of the largest Fuyu kaki that I’ve ever seen… put [...]
Homemade Refrigerator Pickles: Spicy Dill & Garlic Cucumber
I love pickles…. especially the salty and sour kind! Kosher dill pickles, cornichons, giardineira, Japanese umeboshi… they’re all good. If you like pickles too, they are quite easy to make – simple refrigerator pickles can be made to taste (you can make them with all kinds of flavors and spices… whatever you like), and are [...]
Homemade Fresh Guava Jam
Last week, some friends gave us a bag of guavas from their backyard tree. The guavas were perfectly ripe, and very fragrant… Great timing, as I was planning to make some fall jams and jellies to give away during the holidays! While some guava jam recipes don’t call for added pectin… I think it’s a [...]
Low Sugar Fresh Strawberry Jam (How to make and water bath can strawberry jam)
Over the weekend, we visited the Carlsbad Strawberry Company‘s “U-Pick” strawberry fields. For $20, they give you a large KFC sized paper bucket (and two adult admission tickets), and you can go down the rows of strawberries to pick and fill up your bucket. This was a really fun experience – our little nephew had [...]
Field Pumpkin Butter (Making Pumpkin Butter from leftover Halloween jack o’lanterns)
Every Halloween, I go through the same thing. I stay up really really late the night before carving Jack o’lanterns (storing them in the empty garage refrigerator overnight)… then I put them out at dusk to greet all the neighborhood kids that come by trick or treating. After the crowds have gone, I reclaim the [...]
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